Wednesday 22 May 2013

Winter Morning: Looking for Alaska

(I thought I need to say this: Thanks to my sister who let me use her laptop)

I told myself ages ago that I am going to make a review of a writer or a book that I am quite into. Unfortunately, I’ve become a little busy doing my homework and assignments (acceptable excuse, eh? :))

Today though (finally!), I am making some commentaries, views, why do you have to read, etc., on Looking for Alaska by the amazing John Green.

If you want to an easy-read type of book, please read Looking for Alaska. I’m not saying that he wrote it using the simplest vocab, it’s just that he wrote it using the words that everyone could comprehend and empathise with.

If you are a teen and not limiting yourself from the world, READ IT! I personally think that if you’re a teen, whether dealing with social incapacities or not, the story of Alaska, Pudge, Colonel, Takumi and the Weekday Warriors and other characters are relevant to our lives (yes, WE - I am still a TEEN :D ) The book discusses a variety of human personality you could find in a school - the rich, the poor, the famous and the not but other than that, the book also analyses philosophical things that will leave our young but mature minds thinking.

If you like adventure, READ IT! In relation with the mentioned “not limiting yourself from the world.”
I think John Green is generally awesome. If you’re into YouTube, you could fine his and Hank’s channel, vlogbrothers (Hank, his brother, posts there mostly but you will also see and hear some personal John Green stories every once in a while.)

These are just some of my thoughts regarding the book “Looking for Alaska.” Please let me know about your thoughts about it as well!
And READ IT! Will you?