Saturday 20 April 2013

Into the Wild

I just realised that I haven't been telling much of the places where I and my family go. This was ages ago but it won't hurt to blog, right?
So, let's just assume that this happened a couple of days. Hehe. (but as far as I remember, this was a mini celebration of my brother's birthday)
We went to Australia Zoo to see some awesome living creature and to watch some animal exhibition.
Here are some of the photographs of the awesome creations we saw during that trip. Forgive me for not remembering the name of each of them but I'll try to recall whilst going through their picture.
He was the first one we saw.


Of course, Australia won't be complete without the Tasmanian Devil!
imageApart from the Tasmanian Devil, Koala is also one of the most known animal in Australia. But wait, there's another animal, the best one which I haven't had a photo because I was too scared that time. My apologies. But next time, I promise, I'm gonna have a photo of that jumping one!
Camel fambam!

We also experienced a mini Southeast Asia here!

And here's a cute (?) huge elephant from Thailand. There were three of them and they look like they're doing very well. They were given a comfortable spot in the zoo - a big space for them and some other stuff where they do other stuff like exercise their trunks.

Here's yours truly, feeding one of them!

We also had a glimpse of Africa. It was a pretty great experience it was as fun as those Safari trip they show on TV.

We also watched the birds, snakes and crocodile exhibition.

It was a fun day! A time for family + nature.
So, if anyone of you is planning to go to Australia, I would say that Australia Zoo is a place to visit.

Some quick reminders!

Nature is something we share our give-take relationship with so if they're giving beauty and benefit to us, let us give them back what they deserve.

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