Tuesday 9 April 2013

My Healthy Routine

I know there are other people like me who thinks that they are so unhealthy even though they are a bit skinny. Here, I am going to tell some of my healthy routine.

But before I start, please note that I am not advocating about losing weight or striving hard to have the "perfect" body. NO. Every body is perfect. Being fat is perfect. Being skinny is perfect. BUT BEING UNHEALTHY? NOT EVEN CLOSE!

1. When eating, if you think that you're feeling okay (not too hungry and not too full) already, leave it there (maybe?) Being too full is probably the source of not having a good stomach during the day.

2. If you're stomach is already feeling bad, it might be because you haven't ingested gas or moved bowels yet. But if it continues, drink TEA.
Tea is my favourite. But if you're planning to be a tea-lover (without the stomachache), I would suggest that you don't drink it right after a meal. I've read quite a bit about this and I found out that if you drink hot tea after a meal, your body will find it hard to absorb nutrients, or worse, not be able to absorb any nutrients. Drink it an hour or two after eating.

3. It's inevitable to feel hungry. Snack! Snack! Snack! Grab a yoghurt, put some bananas or apples in there!

4. Who won't suggest this? WATER! What I've noticed these days was that people are always relying to sodas. I'm not saying that this is bad but we have to maintain the water level in our body because it doesn't just help us digest food and create energy, it also helps the blood keep its liquid consistency. What else does water do in our body? I could go for a day naming them!

5. Walking, as everybody said is a form of exercise. Stretch your muscles and go for a walk. Don't keep yourself in front of the computer or laptop screen all day. Maybe if you're going to the supermarket, park to the space that's not too close to the market's entrance?

These are just some of my usual healthy pattern. I know some of them are typical but I'm still encouraging you guys to at least, try and do this. Being healthy is being awesome!

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