Tuesday 26 March 2013

Defining size? Size is a definition?

I was checking out Huffington Post (one of my favourite site) to read some stuff. I came across this articles that talks about one's physical size. Read, thought, reflected.

I am 5" in height and about 42 kilograms heavy. I always say that I'm fat.. stuff like that! When I turned 16, my weight became a big deal to me. Why? Let's just say that I had my internal insecurities and I became scared of the judging society. 
Now that I am 18, I probably had one of the most tremendous realisations in life - I should not care of how small I am, I should have too much of insecurity.

Physically, I look so thin but whenever I face the mirror, what I always see is my swollen stomach. That mentality was wrong. I was so depressed because I was close to being 'stout.' I mean, who attracts stout? Who likes stout people? I WAS WRONG. I admit and I apologise to those who I have offended with my old thinking.I should care about what's going inside that tummy instead of what people might think of it. If that didn't make sense, what I'm trying to say was health over the tangible bit of the body is more important.

I used to feel a little awkward whenever being with my high school batch mates because I am usually the smallest. Sometimes, I feel ashamed of attending events because I won't get recognised because I am so short.
One time, I went to a fast food place to buy something to eat. Someone was in front of me, I was waiting at the back and then at the back of me was a pretty big man. It was my turn, I wonder why the cashier didn't serve me but served the man behind me. Then I realised, he didn't see me. I felt like walking away out of anger that time but I did not because I needed food! After serving the man behind me, only then he saw me. He apologised but I still feel a little annoyed. I was quite disappointed by the cashier but on top of that, I was much disappointed with what I look like.

After too much insecurity, reflection and self-exploration, then I realised: yes, I should care of what others think of me but I have to be myself in every possible way that I can. I am small, okay?
But hey, I've got brains and above everything, awesome mind and positive attitude are the most important.

People may have a small amount of right to judge but no one could ever define us by just looking at us.
Bullying can never and will never put us down because we are happy. YES, WE ARE HAPPY.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Movie: Life of Pi

I've been longing to blog about something! So, instead of saying my thoughts about what's been happening these days in my life, I'm just gonna talk about one of the greatest movies of 2012.
I'm not sure when exactly Life of Pi was released but I watched it just before the Golden Globes and Oscars so it is fairly justifiable to say that I am entitled to whatever I say in this review.

(Photo from Google Images)

Firstly, I would just like to say that I was very happy when Ang Lee was called as the Best Director at Oscars this year. I think I've achieved too much positivity upon hearing his name at that time. I must say, he nailed it.

Upon watching the trailer, we may think that this movie is about a tiger-keeping boy who had a bitter life in the midst of the ocean. No, it's not just about that. It's not just about having misfortunes and a tiger.
Life of Pi, as I think of it, is about faith, hope and trust. Pi's (Suraj Sharma) family was religious. From that foundation, he had the strength to face the pain and the misfortunes he had. The main character embodies a very optimistic and pensive being I personally admired. Yann Martel must've really moulded the characters really well(Sorry, I haven't read the book yet.).
The flashback effect fits perfectly to the story - how he is doing on the present time, how he sees the past and think that it was still a tremendous part of his life.

If you are the type of person who loves to delve into the emotional bit of life and human belief, you should watch this movie. But personally, I think everyone should watch it.

I won't rate it at this point in time but eventually, if I fully become a fully mature movie critique, I will!