Tuesday 25 September 2012

Starting to Think

I'm starting to think about different stuff that let's say, suits me.
Here are the two that I'm kinda engaged into at the moment.

I'm starting to think about putting some summer-y jewel-ish coloured nail polish.
This colour is my favourite. ♡

I'm also starting to think that braids fit me.
A simple plat my friend did.
The "Katniss Everdeen Braid." Love this braid. I wish though my hair has a different colour for this braid to be visibly seen.
And this braid which I did myself *proud one here!* is the fish braid. Likewise, I wish my hair has a different shade.

I have a verrrr long hair and this is the only time that I made something out of it. Since it's the holidays, I started to try something new -- I google most of the time some cute hairstyle, simple buns, even the hard ones. I just hope things can work for me. SUMMER! =)))

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