Thursday 20 September 2012

Holidays and Goals

It’s the holidays!
I don’t think holidays need to be memorable but things that happened to me during the past holidays seem to be something I could not forget.
I had my very first panic attack. It was during my Year 11 summer holidays. I was a lazy bum and that probably happened to be the reason why I had it. I was just on my bed the whole time watching TV series. The second week (as far as I remember), I got a massive headache. I think I took 3 Panadols that day ’cause that headache won’t leave me alone. Then I felt like my legs are not okay, I couldn’t even walk! My muscles are like lousy and *adjective like that*. The night when I had it, I felt like I’m gonna die, like I don’t wanna sleep because I won’t live another life tomorrow. It sucked. :( That was my story. And after that event, I decided to be healthy *OWWWWWW*. I usually walk nowadays and eat a balanced diet.
And for this holidays, I just thought, I need to accomplish stuff (ugh, like what I always plan (eg. Finish my Physics ERT *jokes, it didn’t happen, I crammed*)) But since I’m near finishing school and I’m not that busy to not accomplish anything, I should set a plan for these weeks.
1. Be healthy. Be healthy. Be healthy.
I know people think that I’m skinny. I’m quite am, but hey, I have fat legs and big stomach. Sucks, I know. I bloat A LOT. So maybe, losing 5 kgs. is an okay plan.
2. Decide. Decide. Decide.
I’m still not decided of what I want to do in the future or let’s say for the rest of my life — my university course. I have some preference that I think, I’m 90% into it but that is still not definite. Pros, cons, whatevs, I have to figure it out.
3. Books. Books. Books.
As I’ve been usually saying, I’m engaging myself to books now. So in this holiday, my target is to read at least 3 books. Yaay! Sounds fun fun fun.
4. Photographs and all.
My life, photographs, I need them!
5. Blog. Blog. Blog.
I need someone, something if you like to share my thoughts with. I know people are going to judge but whatevs! Libertyyyyyyy!

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