Monday 21 May 2012

I’m off to read “Tirra Lirra by the River” (ugh) but then I decided to hop in to my blog for a while.
CHANGE — I know it’s a simple word.
If we commit mistakes, we always say that I’m or she’s gonna or he’ll change. But then after all, do we really change for the better? or just change?
I don’t know! Perhaps depending on ones environment.
When we grow up (literally and mentally), don’t we change? Maybe that’s the change others are looking for. But I’m afraid to say that some hasn’t yet. They’re still stuck with the madness of childhood or probably still can’t because of some “special” reason (I know a person who is like this but at the same time subtly brags about her being a childlike in the family because she’s the only blaaah or people are gonna get mad at him/her or that she has no priority but studies {as if the last thing is true. Makes me wanna say what the $%^&*()}).
This idea just came up to me while talking to a friend. And once and for all, I’ll say this: MY BLOG POSTS ABOUT HATRED ARE NOT BECAUSE I AM INSECURE.
I don’t know how other people can handle immaturity.
Maybe I should talk further about this topic as soon as I reach that level of adulthood and update myself of what are the changes I’ve had in myself. But for now, I can’t explain exactly what is going on in my mind. I’m sorry.

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