Sunday 22 July 2012

Same Mistake

No, I'm not gonna talk about 1D's song ( I love it though! =))) )

This post is something about Person B or A (I forgot!). She is nice. And then her friend went away for quite some time then opened up something to me. I don't want to be mean so I just went to the flow of everything, just like how we used to talk. I'm pretty sure she has noticed that I was aloof the past few days. But still, I talked to her, laughed with her, shared stories with her. And now, as the title says "Same Mistake" I did it again. She did it again. Her "BEST FRIEND" came back and I was another piece of rubbish again for her, was set aside and waiting when is she gonna cling to me again. But no, I'm really hoping to not be there for her anymore. She doesn't realize what it is to be ignored, to be just a virtual booty-call. The wrong thing I've done perhaps was I went online on Facebook chat (that's when she started talking to me again.)

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