Sunday 8 July 2012

Just began.

Tomorrow marks the beginning of another semester (another term for mental destitution) for me.
And today marks the beginning of my SNS hiatus. Not that I'm not gonna update everything but I'm gonna be active updating my blogs.

I just thought some people are obnoxious. I'm not a hater, I think I'm feeling a bit cranky today. But oh well, what can I do, this is how the coordination of my mind and heart works.

That's the bad side. Happy to announce but my motivation for studying is quite coming back! I have a week to finish my Physics assessment and this whole term (3 months?) to prove myself. From tomorrow until August, I'll have 3 very important test: QCS, UMAT and my license. I really hope I could fit everything in. No, I will fit and do my best in everything.

'Til soon!

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